How did America get to this point? Why did America get to this point? Who is responsible for America getting to this point?
We must stop the corruption of our values by President Trump. We must unite against our amoral President who the Republicans created and continually help to sustain. As the right-wing would have you believe, the Democrats are responsible for the decline in the moral culture of America; this is ludicrous and downright bullshit, this decline in our moral culture lies in the Republican support for a lying President lacking any decency or morality whatsoever and the White Evangelical Christian support of Trump.
...“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.”
Part of what is wrong with the current situation are the Americans straddling that fence (Republicans only... not necessarily); GET OFF THE DAMN FENCE...
So how do we attack this head on going into the 2020 election cycle? Do you really think talking economics, medicare, immigration, and the rest of the perceived so called crucial issues is enough? So far the Democrats are somewhat striking out in their attack strategy shown thus far; they have to go beyond their standard political legacy or they will drown in their own sea of self-righteousness.
I am a staunch supporter of the Democratic party, but even I know we must PREPARE SMART THIS GO AROUND... We must involve inclusion, race, and identity, among a score of other topics in our strategy going forward.
Democrats, we can't beat each other up early on...BE SMART, BE PREPARED, & DON'T KNOCK EACH OTHER OUT IN THE PROCESS!