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Monday, November 29, 2010

It Gets Better

The following is a message from me broadcast last evening, Sunday, November 28, 2010 to LGBT youth on Outbeat Youth, a regular segment on Outbeat Now over KRCB Radio FM 91:

"Hi, I'm J.C. Knudson and I am here to tell you it definitely does get better. I am a 55 year old divorced gay father of two sons and I am living the life I was meant to live. No matter where you are at in your life or who you are, you are here for a reason and that reason is to live your life to its' fullest and be proud of who you are. Sometimes it may seem a little overwhelming dealing with so many issues at such an early age, but don't worry, we have all felt that at some point in our life. You have a long life ahead of you and there is plenty of time to decide what you want to do with it. You are so lucky to be a part of this world today and while you may not think so at times, be patient, everything will fall in place for you.

Take a look at what we have accomplished in society today; we are lawyers, doctors, mayors, senators, actors, authors, just to name a few. I remember when Ellen De Generes came out on national TV; look at her now. A recent poll named her the most influential and famous gay rights advocate in America. I know I will see many of your names in places you probably wouldn't think of at this point in your life. Please know you are loved and there is a place for you, a place you will be proud to be a part of.

Always remember, for those difficult times, there are people who want to help; don't ever give up, reach out at any time, we are all here for you! I recently wrote a book about my life and it would have been difficult to complete had I not known such courageous individuals such as you all are!"

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Many in the gay community bitch about equality, gay rights, etc.; but do the majority of us do anything about it? No!!!!!!!!!! Do you know the one area that help is needed in to achieve equality? EDUCATION! How can society in today's world accept something and move toward equality in those areas they are uneducated in? Would you vote to change or improve something if you were ignorant of the true facts? Probably not!

So what's going to change this? EDUCATION!!

I have written a book, LIVING THE DIFFERENCE: an enlightening story revealed for people of all ages straight or gay, that is equally as important for straight individuals to read, as well as all homosexuals. The book will help educate all on homosexuality and that it is a part of life and touches virtually everyone in one way or another in this world. It will help shine light and open the minds of those ignorant of homosexuality and will also show homosexuals that rather than bitch about our current situation, we should promote education and allow society to see just what being a homosexual is all about. Don't make it just sexual; most everyone straight or gay has sex...what happens in the bedroom should stay in the bedroom. Make it who we really are; we are human beings just like everyone else in any society in any part of the world. While we want to keep in the bedroom what happens in the bedroom, we definitely want to feel comfortable in coming out of the closet!

Maybe then, we will have a much easier time in achieving equality and making this world a better place for everyone to live in harmony and mutual respect.

Be a part of this drive, challenge, and ultimate goal. Order a copy of my book and then join me in these efforts to EDUCATE, ENLIGHTEN, and INFORM the general public as to who we really are. We are DOCTORS, WRITERS, TEACHERS, PARENTS, LAWYERS, POLITICIANS, CLERGY, MILITARY, ACTORS, SINGERS, PAINTERS, ARTISTS, FARMERS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, NURSES, HOMELESS, LOW INCOME, MIDDLE INCOME, WEALTHY, ELECTRICIANS, PLUMBERS, BUSINESSMEN, BUSINESSWOMEN, MALE, FEMALE, ETC.; we are members of all societies in every part of the world!


(Portions of this post are from an earlier post prior to the release of my new book, LIVING THE DIFFERENCE: an enlightening story revealed for people of all ages straight or gay.)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Anti-LGBT Bullying

I've been appalled by recent news of suicides among young people who have been bullied because they are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender or because others perceive them to be LGBT.  It's a tragedy, and we need to do everything we can to protect our kids.

Students are often bullied or harassed without mercy because of their sexual orientation or gender identity – or simply because of who their tormentors think they are.  All students deserve to attend safe and welcoming schools.  Students can not learn when they feel unsafe.

Our local school districts need to take immediate steps to protect all students and make sure they have a safe learning environment.


Friday, November 12, 2010

Book Review

The following is a book review I just received from Jessica Arent, CEO at PROMESA and Director of Marketing for Riazul.

"Poignant and inspiring, LIVING THE DIFFERENCE is an extraordinary if not courageous survival story of the modern age. Conquering the final frontier of bigotry and prejudice to live a life in authenticity, the author compels his reader to search his soul for his social responsibility and stand up for an extraordinary modern movement of equality. In this stirring novel, the author offers a new perspective initiating a paradigm shift in what we think we know and understand, and what truly is. An amazingly rich piece of literature, and a MUST READ in these tumultuous times of the right to live in genuine authenticity and recognition of equality for all mankind. "

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Don't Preach To Others, Educate Them

This was so interesting and received so many comments that I felt it needed to be posted again, here!

We need to take a strong stance against any group whose individuals oppose upholding any one's civil rights. Those who hide behind the good book need to be challenged and the anti-bullying does not need any further dissecting by uneducated, ignorant, bible thumping individuals who know nothing about what they are preaching to the rest of the world. Those who are homophobic hide behind the claim that it is a sin, when in fact, it is a sin to preach in the name of God by falsely claiming the allegations that these religious zealots tout to their congregations. Educational institutions, academia, educators have an obligation to ensure that all children are protected from violence. Homophobia leads to violence. This is an illness in and of itself and those who struggle with homophobia need treatment. We all know it. Any group whose civil rights were taken away from them for their religious beliefs, or because of the color of their skin, and many other reasons faced the same rhetoric as we are having to face repeatedly throughout the decades . In every instance we heard at every level how it was a sin to be black, how it was a sin to be anything but Christian. These are the same individuals who preach the same rhetoric and claim they are the only ones who have the right set of values. 


Sunday, November 7, 2010

It Gets Better

I'm sure you know about the "It Gets Better Project"; we all need to do whatever we can to show youths, teens, young and old adults alike, THAT IT DOES GET BETTER! I joined the project in order that I can help spread that word. Part of my spreading the word is to get my latest book release into the proper hands as it's the story of my life and it would show anyone out there that it definitely does get better! I posted my story synopsis with them in hopes my book can get to those who really need some encouragement; I even offered to any youth or teen, who viewed my story synopsis on that site, to contact me directly if they need assistance in getting my book free! The following is a recent press release that will tell you a little more about what I'm trying to accomplish:

Espresso House Publishing has recently released a highly anticipated book from Oklahoma City author J. C. Knudson, LIVING THE DIFFERENCE: an enlightening story revealed for people of all ages straight or gay! With all the news coverage recently on gay rights, teen suicides, and the mid-term elections, this is a MUST READ BOOK NOW! Great reviews to date. Additional details can be found at the links below:

Knudson is using the book as a vehicle to educate society on homosexuality using a more personal approach. An Oklahoma City resident of 30+ years, Knudson is concerned over the remarks of Sally Kern, an Oklahoma legislator known for her outspoken stance against gays and homosexuality; the obvious ignorance on the issue of homosexuality, shown by her remarks, is just one example of why this education is so vitally important. He is a firm believer that an educated society is definitely a more accepting and understanding society and along with that will eventually follow equality for all on many issues. Readers are coming away with a more personal understanding of homosexuality, along with an inquisitive yearning for more information. THIS MAY BE THE WAY TO GO IN ACHIEVING UNIVERSAL UNDERSTANDING AND ACCEPTANCE THAT THERE REALLY ARE TWO PREDETERMINED TRAITS OF SEXUAL PREFERENCE AMONG ALL HUMAN BEINGS! Conformity to the more widely known and understood preference, heterosexuality, has just been demanded and expected of everyone from the beginning of time. The world has evolved into a more demanding and argumentative society than many of our older and past philosophers and non-philosophers alike ever thought possible or even probable; many archaic beliefs are finally getting the dusting they deserve to reveal a whole new set of circumstances! THIS IS THE WAY IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN; IT'S JUST NEVER BEEN A PRESSING PRIORITY TO GET THAT INFORMATION IN FRONT OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC IN ORDER THAT SOCIETY BE TRULY EDUCATED ON A TOPIC SO MISUNDERSTOOD. THE TIME IS NOW AND THE IGNORANCE WILL STOP!

Please help me in whatever way you can to get this ignorance stopped once and for all! Whatever methods or distribution channels you may have available in helping me with this process would be greatly appreciated. I devoted the final chapter in my book to enlisting the help of every individual willing to help with this education, as well as listing numerous ways this can be done!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


It doesn't take many words to get the point across today!