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Monday, February 20, 2023

As Director of Oscar's Foundation, Transparency is of Utmost Importance...

These thoughts came to me today, somewhat as a poem, & I wanted to share them with each of you (thanks for your time):   

I'm a true believer & a hard worker too, always humble in things that I do!  As Director of Oscar's Foundation, please believe in us & be an integral part of our growth & success.  Believe in yourself, as we sure do, 2023's our year & can be your year too.  We're giving our all, hope you'll give us a little, let's do this's the call!  We've saved many dogs & a few cats too, many think we are running a zoo...puppies & kittens are also abound, coming from all different parts of town!  We work with our rescues & some go to school to learn what they do best, by providing support & companionship too, that's the ultimate test.  Time has come & we've outgrown our place, time now to pick up the pace...with ordinances & restrictions we can't ignore, and land in the country costing so much more.  The donations have dwindled & I can't explain why, it's not that we don't try; it's like some don't realize we're doing our best, guess we just haven't passed their oh so hard  test.  Many have made promises they just won't keep and at times we just can't sleep.  We're not even close to our goal that we set, I cry at times it's not met.  It's hard to keep asking for people to give, but I will continue so the animals can live... in a loving environment all safe & secure, that will only happen with land we procure.  My brother set up a special fundraiser for the increased cost of land, I humbly ask of you to give us a hand.  With animal food & supplies that we provide, oh yes & the vet visits too, at times it's very hard, but we'll never give up & just do whatever we can do.  

The original fundraiser is still operational & the majority of the donations to date are earmarked for a portion of the land & infrastructure/building costs of the permanent facility/location, with the bulk of those costs coming from our own funds.  We appreciate everything many of you have already done, please don't think that we don't.  I know you may get tired of seeing repeat posts asking for donations, but you have to remember, there are thousands seeing those posts that have not donated at this time & of course, we know many of them won't.  Please be patient with us, we are a non-profit & fundraising is a necessary part of it.  You can also help by sharing our information outside of social media with others you feel would be interested in donating to the cause.  Here is the link to the new land fundraiser set up by my brother to cover the increased cost of the land over what we originally budgeted:  ANYTHING YOU CAN GIVE WILL HELP!

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Donations Currently Being Accepted By MAIL !


Couldn't have said it better myself. If you care enough, please give a little, even $25 or $50 makes a difference...JUST DO IT! NOTE: For those who would rather send a check, money order, or cashier's check, they can be made out to OSCAR'S FOUNDATION
and Mailed to: OSCAR'S FOUNDATION 4212 N. Ann Arbor Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73122-3319